Thursday, February 7, 2008

Love Stays - Feelings Fade.

'We often don't feel loved each an every day
but just the same it is there and will never fade away.
and just like the oceans tide - coming in and going out
at times our loves so strong - but other times it's seldom felt

in those times of wondering - when love is placed in doubt
we must only remember - our love has not run out
love stays - feelings fade

God in all His splendor - knows just how we feel
He knows true love grows deeper - than our feelings that seem real
so don't go on depending - on your feelings every day
because love is always there - but our feelings fade away.

in those times of wondering - when love is placed in doubt
we must only remember - our love has not run out
love stays - feelings fade

so don't be dependent on your feelings every day
because love is always there - but our feelings fade away

in those times of wondering - when love is placed in doubt
we must only remember - our love has not run out
love stays - feelings fade'

a song written by Jason Rich. lyrics which have rang in my heart this week. perhaps they couldn't have cut any closer to the thoughts that overflow from a heart of questions and some days over-whelming doubts.

what if we were a people who trusted in the love of Christ? that in moments when being surrounded by love seems far off - that we would have the faith and trust to believe His love has not decreased or faded. and even when our lives seem far from His reflection - that we would trust His love through us has not run out.

for His love stays. within and around. never swaying or shifting. always with a desire that we would know and embrace His love even deeper.

may these feelings of doubt fade - as i trust in a love that stays.


Anonymous said...

Aww. You little puppy.

simplechild said...

thanks. :) i'm learning to embrace my puppy-ness-mess.

Anonymous said...

haha. wow. i'm a fan.

Anonymous said...
