Thursday, October 25, 2007

may love be what compels us all.

last night in our small group we talked about compassion.
a word i admire. a gift i think i acquire. and a passion for such a heart action that it has driven me to learn more.

ideas shared about what compassion looks like when pouring it over others and ourselves.
a shared love and understanding of your heart despite your sin. everyone desires it. moments crave for it to be present. and yet why is it so hard to be compassionate toward everyone?

our automatic and far too quickly established judgements toward others sabotage any glimpse of compassion.

hurt and pain caused by people leaves us staring at the hole in need of healing - and turns off the valve of compassion.

and all the while we stare at our own hurt. and stir the depths of how deep we were wounded. focusing only on ourselves - we completely miss the fact that the other person also has a well of hurt and pain in this life. that they too desire and long for someone to understand.

compassion - a gift used to show and remind others that God understands. a gift that has been shown to us in the greatest manner possible. a gift we all desire to have poured over us through our days. and a gift that can be used through us when we love sacrificially. for it is then that we are loving as Jesus does.

i like it.

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